8th Pay Commission news.

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8th Pay Commission news.

8th Pay Commission/ Gifts to millions of government workers

The top up on a home loan can be taken for a period of 30 times
The bank fluently approves a top up loan on timely payment of EMI of the home loan

8th pay scale Moghavari Dar No Kotho.!

With DA, central workers are getting one further gift, find out when they will get the benefits

8th Pay Commission latest news: કેન્દ્ર સરકારના કર્મચારીઓ પર મોદી સરકાર મહેરબાન થવા જઈ રહી છે. સરકાર તેમને મોટી ખુશખબરી આપવા જઈ રહી છે. સૂત્રો પાસેથી મળેલી જાણકારી મુજબ સાતમા પગાર પંચ (7th pay commission) બાદ હવે 8માં પગાર પંચ (8th pay commission) ની ચર્ચા શરૂ થઈ ગઈ છે. સારા સમાચાર એ છે કે ફાઈલ તૈયાર થઈ રહી છે. એવી આશા છે કે આગામી વર્ષે મોદી સરકાર કેન્દ્રીય કર્મચારીઓ માટે એક મોટી જાહેરાત કરશે.

8th Pay Commission ની ચાલી રહી છે તૈયારીઓ

અમારી સહયોગી વેબસાઈટ ઝી બિઝનેસના અહેવાલ મુજબ કેન્દ્રીય કર્મચારીઓના ન્યૂનતમ પગારમાં મોટો વધારો થઈ શકે છે. આગામી વર્ષે આ ભેટ કેન્દ્ર સરકાર પોતાના કર્મચારીઓને આપી શકે છે. અત્યાર સુધી ચર્ચા એ હતી કે 8મું પગાર પંચ આવશે નહીં. પરંતુ હવે એવી આશા છે કે સાતમા પગાર પંચ બાદ હવે આગામી વેતન પંચની તૈયારી થઈ રહી છે. જો કે સરકાર તરફથી હજુ સુધી તેની કોઈ પુષ્ટિ કરાઈ નથી. પરંતુ સરકારી સૂત્રોના જણાવ્યાં મુજબ સરકાર પોતાનો ઈરાદો બનાવી રહી છે. કર્મચારીઓની સતત માંગણી બાદ આગામી વેતન પંચની ભેટ આપવામાં આવી શકે છે.

As of January 15, 2025, the government is not planning to establish an 8th Pay Commission. This means there is no timeline for the formation of the commission

All the Central and State Government employees and pensioners have been waiting for the announcement of the 8th Central Pay Commission, which will be implemented on 1 January 2026. This Pay Commission is expected to bring a wide range of benefits in terms of pay scale and retirement benefits.

Introduction of the 8th Central Pay Commission not only benefits government employees but also the military personnel and pensioners. The implementation of the 8th CPC will eliminate the disparity between the salaries of different groups of employees and also help them cope with inflation.

Here’s what we know so far about 8th Pay Commission

Purpose: Like previous Pay Commissions, the 8th Pay Commission aims to address rising living costs and adjust salaries for CGEs to reflect their current value.

Current Status: As of 14 February 2024, the Indian government has not formally announced the establishment of the 8th Pay Commission. While some media reports and experts suggest it could be implemented in 2024, the government has shown reluctance.

Potential Implementation: If established, the 8th Pay Commission could benefit approximately 48.62 lakh CGEs and 67.85 lakh pensioners, with potential salary increases estimated to range from Rs.20,000 to Rs.25,000.

Timeline: Some sources speculate an announcement could be made before the 2024 general elections, with an implementation date of 1 January 2026, following the usual 10-year interval between Pay Commissions. However, this is purely speculative and has not been confirmed by the government.

Salary and Pension Calculation as per 8th Pay Commission

Given below is the process how the salary and pension will be calculated as per 8th Pay Commission:

  • The fitment factor will be 1.92 and the minimum salary (Level 1) will be Rs.34,560, increased from Rs.18,000.
  • The maximum salary (Level 18) will be Rs.4.8 lakh, increased from Rs.2.5 lakh.
  • Changes will be made under the UPS for pension calculations.
  • As per the increase in 20% DA and 50% pension formula, which will come into effect by 2029, Level 18 employees may get a pension of Rs.2,88,000 and Level 1 employees may get a pension of Rs.20,736.
  • 8th CPC Salary Increase
  • For all Central Government employees, the 8th Pay Commission is expected to suggest a revision in the basic salary, which may fall between approximately 25% to 35%. The 8th Pay Commission will also suggest a significant increment in the retirement benefits of up to 30%.

8th Pay Commission Fitment Factor

As per several reports, the fitment factor that will likely be used to prepare the pay matrix by the 8th Pay Commission may likely be 1.92. Therefore, the salary under Level 1 will be increased to Rs.34,560. The maximum salary may be Rs.4.8 lakh for government employees.

The factor that converts the old basic pay to the new basic pay is the Fitment Factor, which is a number that compares pre-revised basic pay to revised basic pay. The following is the fitment factor and other details of 4th Pay Commission to 8th Pay Commission in India:

Benefits of 8th Pay Commission Implementation
For Central Government Employees:

Increased Salaries: The most anticipated benefit is a hike in basic salary, estimated between 25% and 35%. This can improve living standards and provide greater financial security.
Enhanced Allowances: To account for inflation and shifting living expenditures, the commission may revise several benefits, including the Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and Transport Allowance (TA).
Improved Retirement Benefits: An increase in pension could offer better financial security after retirement, with estimates suggesting up to a 30% increase.
Boosted Morale and Motivation: Taking care of financial issues may increase worker satisfaction and even boost output.

For the Indian Economy: 

Increased Spending: Government workers are likely to spend more when they have greater disposable income, which will boost demand for products and services and boost the economy.

Tax Revenue Growth: Increased salary may result in increased tax income for the government.
Reduced Financial Stress: Employee financial well-being can lessen the strain on social welfare programs and improve societal stability.

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