Larning outcomes 2024-25 std 1 to 8 : Here the learning outcomes of std 1 to 8 are given. These study results prepared by GCERT are given for the year 2024-25. Based on these learning outcomes, you will find it easy to create Form A for formative assessment.
What is Learning Outcome?
Learning outcome can be known as to what expected changes should occur in the child after the teaching work of the subject in the classroom
A learning outcome is a statement indicating what behavior change is expected in the student after the teaching work in the classroom, considering any subject matter and its related purpose. (What will students learn today?) rather than instructor teaching (What will I teach today?).
Focuses on the behavior of the learner in which the desired change is to be effected
Provides guidance for content, classroom process, and assessment
What education is to be acquired? It ensures
What to acquire? It informs the teacher.
What can be learned through learning outcomes?
What skills development
What subject matter is to be relied upon – its scope
Which teaching method will be useful. What learning experiences should be provided to the student (classroom process)
Educational device needed
Analysis of learning outcomes
The student himself understands how any process is done or why any event happened and can explain it to others as well. The student understands the event or process according to the subject through discussion, experiment, demonstration, observation etc. Can explain or present an event or process or a similar one to others. Here through experiment demonstration or experiment work the student will understand how light is reflected and the phenomenon of light reflection can also be explained to others.
How to choose learning outcomes?
In Form A of formative assessment you can select a maximum of 20 learning outcomes during the session. This means 20 learning outcomes are to be evaluated in Table A. Which has 40 marks. Sometimes it also happens that a subject of a standard has less than 20 learning outcomes. So for that, you can select 10 or 15 study results. For that, 4 or 2.5 marks of an academic pass must be taken into account.
Adhyayan Nishpatti 2024-25
Here the standard-wise and subject-wise study results ( Adhyayan Nishpatti 2024-25 ) are given. You can download the PDF by clicking on the link.
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